Akashic readings

Connect to the answers you’re looking for

Akashic Reading is a calling I’m thankful for in this lifetime. Connecting people to their higher vibration brings an understanding of how to navigate our world. It’s exhilarating to know we constitute so much more than our perceptions of the here and now. The act of remembering the full spectrum of who we are activates our vibrations. This helps us ascend, manifest and create all we desire.

It would be my pleasure to guide you on this journey.

Cortney Sumpter

your reading will entail questions about…








Or any other mysteries of life

a reading answers your questions through…







Or any other method you are open to

Schedule Readings with Cortney

30 Minute Reading

A great way to introduce yourself to Akashic Records and Cortney. For those experienced with Akashic Readings this is also an opportunity to get to know Cortney and how she can help expand your journey.

By Zoom/Phone/Recording

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60 Minute Reading

Dive deeper into your Akashic Records welcoming more insights to your life. Answering multiple questions that guide you to more freedom, happiness, clarity and abundance.

By Zoom/Phone/Recording

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90 Minute Reading

An individual becomes aligned to their highest vibrations increasing synchronicities of the right time and right place in life for continued prosperity.

By Zoom/Phone/Recording

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How many questions are answered in an hour?

Each reading is unique to the individual and how much information your akashic reading holds for you. Meaning we may answer one question or five questions in the designated hour.

Are there any physical effects from a reading?

Yes. There are new and abundant vibrations being focused in your direction. So you may feel light headed and disoriented. Or you may feel revitalized and energetic. All depending on how you receive the reading.

How many readings does an individual need?

This of course relates to the individual and what questions they need answered. Good readings may inspire additional questions opening more positive opportunities in your life.

Do you help with formulating the questions?

Yes. Questions need to be specific and phrased correctly to receive the most information from your akashic records.

How do readings manifest in my life?

Readings manifest in your life by how you react to people, situations and desires. Bringing you peace, tranquility, clarity, and abundance in your life.

How Long Does an individual need to wait in between readings?

This depends on how an individual relates to and integrates the information within themselves. Some can process weekly readings while others need additional time to align with this new energy.